تذكير بمساهمة فاتح الموضوع :
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
انا مش هتكلم كتير
اول اربع اسئلة
Ascaris in calf (line of treatment) 99%
respiratory Ds complex in calf 99%
ulcerative lymphangitis %
enlarged udder 2quarter & abnormal milk 99%
تانى اربع اسئلة نسبتها اقل من 95%
brucella vaccine &diagnosiss in Bull
out break of babesia
cl . finding of leptospirosis
confirmatory diagnosis of H.S.
تالت 3 اسئلة
D.Diagnosis bet.
cow pox &psudo cow pox &black pox 96%
2 viral Ds cause nervous signs (BSE& MHC&akabane ds) 88%
lumby Jaw &woody tongue 92%
تعالوا نقرأ هذا السؤ ال بدون النسب المئوية
FMD& IBR in calves + history
اسئلة مش هياخد حلها اكتر من ربع ساعة
to controle mastitis in dry period .animal should treated incase of(................) 98%
prevention of calf ds by(.........../.../.............) 96%
sub cl.mastitis mean(...........)&diagnosis by (...............tests) 97%
controle of FMD in egypt depend on.(.................) while in england depend on(..............)
ADVANTAGES of tissue culture vaccine (...............)
no treatment in brucellosis due to (..................../.....................)
stormy abortion incase of (.............../........./............)
cerebral babesiosis cz by (.......)& differintiated from(................)
Pre imunition mean(.............)&in case of (.........../.................)
Khous blue bodies(.....................)
vaccine in egypt (............/............../...............)
cattle master 4 against (...................)
ST.agalactia cz enviromental mastitis 98 %
coli form mastitis cz sandy milk
sample for T.B. mastitis from last stream
udder should dis infectent by Iodine befor milking 98%
winter dysentry cz by corona virus
diarrhea in neo nates cz by salmonella /emeria/ coccidia &trematode
calf should take colostrum 6-12 hr after birth & not than 1.7 litre for protective Abs 94%
chr.fascioliasis is more in cattle&cz anemia
larvae of scaris transimitted from mother milk to calf
salmonellosis chracterised by(thirist& may asymptomatic carrier) in neo born 88%
calf diarrhea & resp.ds complex mono factorial diseases
calf entero toxemia cz(emaciation)& cz by(entero toxigenic form of E.coli) 97%
طبعا التجميعات مش موجودة
اهم حاجة فيه
Tuber culin test
لو عايز تزاكر
ghons ds
(calves more scucbtible &infected by small dose )
(cl.ds only in adult due to larg I.P)
(Skin test useful in early diagnosis)
(colostrum&milk cz spread of infection)
increase danger from purchased animal)
fecal culture is the best
no serology in young animal
جزاكم الله خير
ياريت محدش يعلق بره الموضوع
لو فى سؤال مش واضح او هل الاسئلة هتيجى ولا.....
والله انا معرف بس لومجاش منها كتير
انا هقطع الورق اللى معايه
جزاكم الله خير